Implementation Chronicles update

By Control Engineering Staff June 27, 2006

June 27, 2006

Received Static IP address for 6 more modems last week from Verizon.
Historically, these have been troublesome to get from them, often requiring their Level 4 support to intervene. We will need to test each to verify their functionality.

Performed a test of the writes for PS 514 last week with myself and a representative of the city present. Started and stopped all of the pumps from a laptop by first logging onto the server, and then by going to the website. This success should mean that we are very close to replicating the system to more sites.

The prime consultant sent us a recap of the meeting with the city last week but no further guidance on the reporting and alarming as we had been expecting. My hope is that this delay means that either the city has decided to write up their own requirements for these items or that the prime consultant has taken more time to get the city’s actual requirements from them before making assumptions as to what those requirements might be.