Industrial PCs with HMI software

Wonderware, a business unit of Invensys, bundles thin client computer and Box PC industrial systems with HMI software to be plug-and-play ready for a variety of manufacturing and industrial settings.

By Control Engineering Staff August 7, 2006

Wonderware, a business unit of Invensys, bundles thin client computer and Box PC industrial systems with HMI software to be plug-and-play ready for a variety of manufacturing and industrial settings. Fanless, dust- protected Box PC operates with most commercially available display units. It is suited for applications requiring remote operation and comes with InTouch HMI and pre-installed ActiveFactory trending and analysis software. Thin client computer for client/server architectures uses InTouch software for terminal services. Software lets users install the InTouch HMI on a central server once and execute it multiple times. Client computers need only connect to an InTouch terminal session that re-sides on the server.

Wonderware, a business unit of Invensys