Photo gallery: Photovoltaic solar array project at Schneider Electric Palatine headquarters

Photos of Schneider Electric photovoltaic (PV) solar farm project show the 29 poles with 232 modules that produce 60.5 kW. Link to related story with PV project tips from the project manager along with more details from Schneider Electric.

By Mark T. Hoske December 11, 2009

Schneider Electric photovoltaic solar farm in Palatine, IL – Mark T. Hoske photo

On Dec. 10, Schneider Electric connected its 232 photovoltaic solar modules, mounted on 29 "flower" poles, in a project expected to provide up to 3% of the all-electric building’s electrical needs. For more project details, additional photos and diagrams and 5 solar project tips from the project manager, please see Photovoltaic solar arrays generate excitement at Schneider Electric’s Palatine headquarters , also here on the Control Engineering website.

-Mark T. Hoske, editor in chief, Control Engineering ,

Schneider Electric solar farm in Palatine, IL, includes Square D and other Schneider Electric products, says Chris Curtis, CEO of Schneider Electric’s Buildings and Power North America business – photo by Mark T. Hoske.

Schneider Electric personnel head south to inspect the solar farm on a frosty Dec. 10, 2009 – photo by Michael Ivanovich.

Schneider Electric solar "flowers," side view – panels could have tracked the sun; these are fixed – photo by Mark T. Hoske.

Schneider Electric’s Chris Curtis in front of about 2.1 kW of dc power generation, 1 of 29 solar "flower" poles, at the Palatine, IL, headquarters – photo by Michael Ivanovich.

Schneider Electric solar dashboard provides real-time information about the installation – photo by Mark T. Hoske.

Schneider Electric solar dashboard also shows a diagram of arrays with status, alarm conditions, and other information – photo by Mark T. Hoske.

Related story link above shows this inverter and switchgear open, before power was live.

Schneider Electric makes the inverter and switchgear for its solar installation; total output is 50.1 kW ac. Solar project ROI is estimated at 10 years – photo by Mark T. Hoske.

Schneider Electric inverter human-machine interface – photo by Mark T. Hoske.

Schneider Electric North American headquarters, Palatine, IL, as it appears on the solar dashboard. Arrays, not visible, are to the south – photo by Mark T. Hoske.

Author Bio: Mark Hoske has been Control Engineering editor/content manager since 1994 and in a leadership role since 1999, covering all major areas: control systems, networking and information systems, control equipment and energy, and system integration, everything that comprises or facilitates the control loop. He has been writing about technology since 1987, writing professionally since 1982, and has a Bachelor of Science in Journalism degree from UW-Madison.