ABB secures $22-million water meter, RF network contract for Boston

Ocala, Fla.— The Boston Water and Sewer Commission (BWSC) awarded ABB (Warminister, Pa.) on July 1 a 36-month, $22-million contract to replace 79,000 aging water meters and upgrade the city’s meter reading system to an automated, fixed-network radio system.

ABB will provide project management and supply ABB absolute encoder water meters equipped with the Hexagram Fixed Network RF system. Honeywell will manage system installation. This award follows the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority’s December 2001 award of a three-year meter replacement and automatic meter reading (AMR) system upgrade contract, including 130,000 new ABB absolute encoder register water meters.

“We’ve undertaken this initiative to improve the effectiveness of our meter reading and customer service operations, and believe implementing automatic meter reading for all customers will most significantly enhance service to our customers,” says Vincent Mannering, BWSC’s executive director. “The key to implementing this large task successfully is teamwork, and ABB has demonstrated strength beyond metering and AMR, and has approached the project as a part-nership with the BWSC.”

Joakim Weidemanis, ABB Water Meters’ president, added that, “It’s a genuine compliment to the ABB Team to be selected by Boston. BWSC is a progressive organization, and had rigorous criteria for evaluating both technology and track record. We’re delighted by the opportunity and challenge this contract presents.”

Control Engineering Daily News Desk

Jim Montague, news editor

[email protected]