Advanced Automation partners with Siemens

Advanced Automation Associates, Inc . (A3) is partnering with Siemens Corp. to develop and deploy manufacturing IT solutions using Siemens’ Simatic IT Manufacturing Execution System (MES).

A3 will provide MES for multiple vertical industries, including food and beverage, metals, pharmaceuticals, printing, and specialty chemicals. Using Siemens’ Simatic IT, A3 aims to help manufacturers optimize production processes while integrating informa-tion flow between the shop-floor and enterprise systems.

“In 2005 we conducted an exhaustive analysis of available MES technologies and determined that the Siemens Simatic IT framework offered the best return on investment for our clients,” said Robert Zeigenfuse, president of A3. “Simatic IT framework allows us to integrate the functionality of a powerful MES system one module at a time,” he continued, “enabling our clients to improve their manufacturing systems at their own pace.”

Simatic IT complies with ISA-95, the international standard for MES. Simatic IT’s modular, graphical, and standard-based approach is said to increase the flexibility and scalability of MES while reducing its total cost of ownership.

— Richard Phelps, senior editor, Control Engineering
[email protected]