Additions to the PIC24H 16-bit microcontroller family

Microchip Technology adds low pin count microcontrollers

By Control Engineering Staff January 14, 2008

Microchip Technology Inc . unveiled three additions to the PIC24H high-performance 16-bit microcontroller family, featuring low pin counts with up to 32K of Flash program memory in packages as small as 6 x 6 mm.t microcontrollers and DSP-enabled DSCs.  Being able to easily migrate among the more than 100 dsPIC DSCs and PIC24 microcontrollers in the company’s 16-bit portfolio accelerates time to market and provides a path to quickly respond to requirement changes during design and to provide scalability. The PIC24HJ32 family also features Peripheral Pin Select, which allows designers to remap digital I/O to optimize board layout, permitting smaller boards, less noise, and the use of a lower pin count microcontroller.  

Microchip Technology Inc .

–Edited by Renee Robbins, senior editor Control Engineering Products( Register here and scroll down to select your choice of eNewsletters free.)