Automation standard seminar for newcomers and experts
CAN in Automation (CiA) is hosting a pair of seminars in March 2019 to explain CANopen benefits for beginners and experienced users.
CAN in Automation (CiA) is hosting a pair of seminars in March 2019, which explain how CANopen works for beginners and experienced users.
In the seminar CAN for newcomers on March 26, attendees learn how CAN works, which possibilities it offers, and in which markets CAN is used. The event explains CAN as it is specified in the updated ISO 11898 standard series. This comprises the Classical CAN, the CAN FD protocol, as well as the CAN physical layer standards. The seminar also thematises CAN-related issues.
During the CANopen seminar on March 27, participants can learn the basic principles of CANopen, which is specified in CiA 301. This enables users to select the right CANopen device for individual applications, to integrate devices in a proper control application, or design the intended CANopen device behavior. In addition, attendees get an overview on CANopen application fields as well as a base for assessing the effort of introducing CANopen in their projects. Required qualification for this seminar is basic CAN knowledge.
In addition to these seminars, CiA is offering dedicated CAN FD and CANopen FD seminars.
– Edited from a CAN in Automation (CiA) press release by CFE Media. CiA is a CFE Media content partner.
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