Barcode reader for 2D matrix and direct part mark codes
Cognex's PowerGrid technology is a texture-based location algorithm for reading 2D matrix and direct part mark (DPM) codes that is designed to look for a pattern of alternating light and dark modules within the code.
Cognex’s (NASDAQ: CGNX) PowerGrid technology is a texture-based location algorithm that takes a unique, inside-out approach to reading 2D matrix and direct part mark (DPM) codes. Instead of locating the finder pattern, Cognex’s PowerGrid technology is designed to look for a pattern of alternating light and dark modules within the code. PowerGrid technology is designed to increase read rates in 2D barcode-reading applications where a part’s geometry, poor lighting, occlusion, or print-registration errors make it difficult to capture an image of the entire code. PowerGrid technology can also locate and read codes even when they exhibit significant damage to or complete elimination of the finder pattern, clocking pattern, or quiet zone. Cognex’s PowerGrid technology is now available on the X models of the DataMan 300 series fixed-mount barcode readers.
Cognex Corporation
The Leader in Industrial Machine Vision
– Edited by CFE Media. See more Control Engineering discrete sensor and vision products.
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