Brush dc motor series for semiconductor applications

Torque Systems has developed a high performance family of three size 15 permanent magnet dc motors that are designed for applications including semiconductor processing, equipment robots, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and medical devices.

By Torque Systems October 11, 2016

Torque Systems has developed a high performance family of three size 15 permanent magnet dc motors that are designed for applications such as semiconductor processing, equipment robots, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and medical devices. The longer stack size 15 dc motor (model MS1525-A) reaches a rated torque value of 10 oz-in. at 6700 RPM. The shorts models-MS1509-A and MS1515-A-provide 30 and 40 watts out respectively. All models have a top speed of 10,000 RPM. The theoretical acceleration performance ranges from 45 K radians per second squared up to 65 K radians per second squared. Peak torque reached 77.8 oz-in. on the MS1525-A model.

Torque Systems 

– Edited by CFE Media. See more Control Engineering motor and drive products.