Complete line of servovalves

Buffalo, N.Y.— Woodward HSC's servovalves combine a torque motor with a frictionless nozzle flapper, shear orifice, or jet pipe valve. A complete line of servovalves provides precise proportional control of fluid pressure and flow. These electromechanical control valves responsed in direct proportion to an input signal.

By Staff April 1, 1999

Buffalo, N.Y.— Woodward HSC’s servovalves combine a torque motor with a frictionless nozzle flapper, shear orifice, or jet pipe valve. A complete line of servovalves provides precise proportional control of fluid pressure and flow. These electromechanical control valves responsed in direct proportion to an input signal. The input signal is voltage or current, and the output is a stepless flow rate or pressure. Woodward HSC valves operate in most adverse environments. With proper O-ring material, they are compatible with most hydraulic fluids, fuels, and gases. Woodward HSC, Inc.