CompoNet specification is near, says ODVA

ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendor Association) is set to publish the first edition of its CompoNet Specification. CompoNet uses CIP, the Common Industrial Protocol, for its upper layers. The Association’s technical review board approved the CompoNet Specification, scheduled to be released in the next publication cycle of the CIP Networks Library and associated network specifications.

By Staff October 1, 2006

ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendor Association) is set to publish the first edition of its CompoNet Specification. CompoNet uses CIP, the Common Industrial Protocol, for its upper layers. The Association’s technical review board approved the CompoNet Specification, scheduled to be released in the next publication cycle of the CIP Networks Library and associated network specifications.

CompoNet is a bit-level network for controlling small, high-speed machines with CIP network services to connect to the plant and the enterprise. It is intended for applications using large numbers of simple sensors and actuators by providing high-speed communications with configuration tools combined with efficient construction, simple set-up, and high availability on one network. Vendors are expected to start offering CompoNet conformance-tested products by year-end 2006.

ODVA supports EtherNet/IP, DeviceNet, and CompoNet, along with major application extensions to CIP: CIP Safety, CIP Motion, and CIP Sync.
