Control Engineering: Engineers’ Choice Awards 2007

Control Engineering announces its Engineers' Choice Award winning products in the February 2008 North American print edition.

By Control Engineering Staff February 6, 2008

Oak Brook, IL — The industrial automation space is one of constant change. At Control Engineering , our job is to keep you informed of the latest trends and technologies, and we have a responsibility to provide

In October 2007, we had an open call for submissions. Eligible products were those introduced in North America and available for purchase between Jan. 1, and Nov. 1, 2007. Submissions were collected and assembled into ballots according to one of seven major and 21 sub-categories. More than 150 new products were nominated, marking a 25% increase versus last year.

Ballots, including a brief description of each product, were sent to members of our opt-in e-mail list who indicated that they are responsible for or influence technology purchases, or have hands-on interaction with the technologies in each respective area.

Votes were cast via an online form, results were tallied and the winning solutions are featured in the pages of this supplement. Reader response was excellent as well, generating more than 870 completed ballots, marking a 20% increase versus last year.

We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to all the solution providers whose products were “in the running,” as well as our readers who participated in the voting process. Their contributions ensure that manufacturers and other industrial organizations can achieve the levels of agility, efficiency and effectiveness necessary to compete and win

Links to the winning 2007 products can be found online.

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Marc Moschetto , editorial director
Control Engineering News Desk
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