Control Engineering offers 2 tutorial videos on proximity sensors

Two tutorial videos from Control Engineering cover trends in photoelectric and fixed-frame proximity sensors and inductive and capacitive proximity sensors. Link to the Control Engineering video library, CEtv.

November 20, 2009

Banner Engineering explains photoelectric sensors in a Control Engineering tutorial video.

Control Engineering is now showing two proximity sensor tutorial videos . One video is on photoelectric and fixed-frame sensors, and the other about inductive and capacitive sensors.

Learn the basics of these sensor technologies, the range of sensing elements, various applications, and a little about how the technologies work. Run time for each is under 10 minutes per video, and each also is available on YouTube.

Although each of the four companies interviewed have much broader product lines, Mark T. Hoske, Control Engineering editor in chief, focuses the Banner Engineering discussion onphotoelectric sensors and talks to Balluff about fixed-frameproximity sensors. In that video, Aaron Biggar, Banner Engineering senior applications engineer, shows the wide variety of World-Beam photoelectric proximity sensors. Tom Rosenberg, Balluff director of marketing, demonstrates Self-Contained Thru-Beam Balluff UltraFrame Sensors, including how they can be integrated into a motion control application.

In a second tutorial video, Hoske talks to Turck about inductive proximity sensors and to Carlo Gavazzi about capacitive proximity sensors.

Jon Bach, Carlo Gavazzi vice president marketing, explains thefunctions of the company’s Tripleshield Capacitive Sensors, and various applications for those sensors.John Murphy, Turck sensor product manager, reviews Turck uprox anduprox+ advanced inductive sensors.

Both videos, taken at the Design & Manufacturing Midwest show, are now available for viewing in the CETV area of the Control Engineering website , along with a variety of other brief automation, control, and instrumentation videos.

"Editors get to see a lot of great information, electronic and print, about a lot of useful and fun technologies, but there’s nothing like being there. With these proximity sensing tutorials, I tried to bring viewers closer to the conversation, asking questions that they might ask about these proximity sensing technologies."

Turck talks about inductive sensors.

Peter Welander, Control Engineering process industrieseditor, works the camera angles. Jamie Pendley, Reed BusinessInformation prepress image specialist,

From Control Engineering , see :

– Proximity Sensor Tutorial Video: Photoelectric and Fixed-frame Sensors ;

– Proximity Sensor Tutorial Video: Inductive and Capactive Sensors ;


– Technologies, trends and applications, in an October North American edition cover story. That feature article is called: Proximity Sensors: How to Choose, Use Them , written by Hoske.

– Learn more about sensors of all kinds at the Control Engineering sensor product channel at

Proximity Sensor Tutorial Videos from Control Engineering cover photoelectric and fixed-frame sensors as well as capacitive and inductive sensors.