Cut rate offered to first-time PC control users
To attract more users to the PC-based control field, Steeplechase Software Inc. is offering its Starting Gate control package for $995. But, as the saying goes, that's not all. Each purchaser will also be able to buy one interface card from SST (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) for $500 as part of its Starter Package program.
To attract more users to the PC-based control field, Steeplechase Software Inc. is offering its Starting Gate control package for $995. But, as the saying goes, that’s not all. Each purchaser will also be able to buy one interface card from SST (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) for $500 as part of its Starter Package program.
Starting Gate includes Steeplechase’s Visual Logic Controller design and run time system, an I/O driver choice, a DDE server, tutorial, electronic documentation, and more. SST’s offer is for an ISA or PC/104 card for DeviceNet, Profibus, or Modicon I/O devices.
“These two programs represent a great value for those who would like to experience the benefits of PC-based control in their manufacturing applications,” says Mike Klein, Steeplchase’s ceo. For more information, visit .
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