Database centralizes security

Industrial Defender 3.0 from Industrial Defender (formerly Verano Inc.) helps enhance operational efficiency and cyber security by centralizing critical security and performance information. Information from all Industrial Defender sources, including the NIDS, HIDS, SNMP, and perimeter protection subsystems are automatically stored in the Industrial Defender repository.

By Staff June 1, 2007
Console of Industrial Defender 3.0, security / performance management suite from Industrial Defender is used for monitoring, control, reporting, and more of security and performance information.

Industrial Defender 3.0 from Industrial Defender (formerly Verano Inc.) helps enhance operational efficiency and cyber security by centralizing critical security and performance information. Information from all Industrial Defender sources, including the NIDS, HIDS, SNMP, and perimeter protection subsystems are automatically stored in the Industrial Defender repository. The integrated database is supported by state-based alarm and reporting engines that allow sophisticated monitoring and reporting functions to be performed in real-time. Version 3.0 also includes the ability to monitor leading firewalls from Cisco and Secure Computing, remote HID functions, and centrally configured host monitoring.

The Industrial Defender real-time management system presents a simple, intuitive user interface that requires minimal training for operations personnel to become effective in managing the security environment. The dashboard is a user-customizable frame that provides at a glance the key information an operator needs to understand the current state of the control environment. All reports in the dashboard are updated in real time.

An incident-monitoring tab provides operators with an easy way to focus on high priority issues. A real-time summary of all cyber security incidents and performance metrics of potential concern based on alarm limits is available in a variety of views, including sorted by priority, time, source, target, and incident type. The reports page allows operators to view standard Industrial Defender reports, create custom reports, and manage saved reports. Standard reports are defined for common functions, including viewing alert histories by timestamp, source, and type. PDF and HTML outputs are supported. Industrial Defender