Efficient development through physical modeling

B+R Automation and Maplesoft are integrating products to reduce costs and individual effort, time for simulation-based developments.

August 26, 2011

B+R and Maplesoft will integrate products from both companies to save time, effort and cost for hardware-in-the-loop simulations.

Being able to design an adequate machine or system model plays an important role in simulation-based development. At the same time, mapping out all the dynamic characteristics of a machine can take a lot of time. "Tools for physical modeling such as MapleSim from Maplesoft provide optimal support and reduce the amount of time and work considerably," said Philipp Wallner, global technology manager at B+R. 

The open architecture of Automation Studio – B+R’s programming and development software – reportedly ensures that physical models designed in MapleSim can be transferred to B+R controller hardware in just a few easy steps. The result is a hardware-in-the-loop simulation that emulates the machine’s behavior in real time, in a completely safe testing environment.

“Using MapleSim, Automation Studio users can very quickly develop high-fidelity models of the control plant, analyze the dynamics, and then generate highly optimized real-time code for the plant,” said Dr. Laurent Bernardin, Vice President, Research and Development, Maplesoft. “By adding an easy-to-use and cost-effective physical modeling phase to the automation workflow, engineers will be able to increase virtual testing prior to hardware commitments. A definite way to reduce costly design errors.”

The close cooperation between the two companies ensures optimal integration in Automation Studio, a clear and comprehensive workflow, and long-term support for the user.

