FF High Speed Ethernet demo sites working; specs reviewed

Fieldbus Foundation's (FF, Austin, Tex.) High Speed Ethernet (HSE) demonstration sites were expected to be underway at Lee College (Baytown, Tex.) and at Singapore Polytechnic (Singapore) as FF members recently reviewed the preliminary specification. Two pilot plants "are expanding to duplicate the working environment of personnel involved in the technical aspects of da...

By Staff December 1, 1999

Fieldbus Foundation’s (FF, Austin, Tex.) High Speed Ethernet (HSE) demonstration sites were expected to be underway at Lee College (Baytown, Tex.) and at Singapore Polytechnic (Singapore) as FF members recently reviewed the preliminary specification. Two pilot plants “are expanding to duplicate the working environment of personnel involved in the technical aspects of daily plant design, construction, operations, and maintenance” in partnership with controls and instrumentation suppliers, according to the organization. Preliminary specifications were released Sept. 30, after “completion of key reviews and months of prototype testing at FF’s laboratory in Foxboro, Mass.” John Pittman, FF president, says he expects new HSE products to reach the marketplace early next year, after expected release of the final specification in 1Q00. For more information, visit www.fieldbus.org .