Foundry robot for material handling and machine tending applications

ABB Robotics' IRB 1200 Foundry Plus 2 is designed for material handling and machine tending applications and can reduce cycle times for precision die casting processes such as smart phone cases and other electrical components.

By ABB Robotics September 21, 2016

ABB Robotics’ IRB 1200 Foundry Plus 2 is designed for material handling and machine tending applications. The IRB 1200 can improve and reduce cycle times for precision die casting processes such as smart phone cases and other electrical components. Now protected with Foundry Plus 2, ABB’s protection system, the IRB 1200 is designed to withstand harsh environments and meets IP66/67 requirements. The IRB 1200 Foundry Plus 2 is IP66/67 compliant from base to wrist, meaning that the robot’s electrical compartments are sealed against liquid and solid contaminants. ABB Foundry Plus 2 robots also have resistance to corrosion and capability to withstand high-pressure steam washing. The IRB 1200 is also available with Clean Room protection. 

ABB Robotics

Industrial Robot Supplier and Manufacturer | ABB Robotics

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– Edited by CFE Media. See more Control Engineering robotics products

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