Hardware, software access production data

Zoneworx Corp. was expected March 14 to launch its new family of Pathways products, which are designed to provide immediate enterprise-level accessibility into the discrete elements of a company's production process. Introduced under the umbrella of real-time event management, the products are designed to break through communications roadblocks.

By Staff March 1, 2000

Zoneworx Corp. was expected March 14 to launch its new family of Pathways products, which are designed to provide immediate enterprise-level accessibility into the discrete elements of a company’s production process. Introduced under the umbrella of real-time event management, the products are designed to break through communications roadblocks. Zoneworx’ product line collects and transports data from factory equipment and delivers it directly to enterprise databases and business applications in real time. Offering plug-and-play functionality and a 30-minute field installation time, Pathways products address manufacturing management’s primary concern—detection of nonconformance and variability in the manufacturing process. From an enterprise perspective, Pathways leverages users’ existing IT investment, as well as providing data never before available to manufacturing execution systems and enterprise resource planning systems. For more information, visit www.zoneworx.com or www.controleng.com/freeinfo .