Holistic trade: Eliminate redundancy, share info electronically
American Association of Exporters and Importers promotes holistic approach to trade, identification of risks, and harmonized use of electronically shared information.
American Association of Exporters and Importers gave some advice for trade professionals and international trade policymakers. AAEI called for:
– A "holistic" approach to trade;
– Identification of specific risks;
– Eliminating redundancy to lower transaction costs;
– Minimizing user fees; and
– Harmonizing the use of electronically shared information.
"These principles are not simply a‘wish list’ of the private sector engaged in global trade," said AAEI Marianne Rowden, president and CEO. "They represent absolute economic imperatives necessary to support free enterprise." AAEI hopes to rally the rest of the international trade community to lobbytheir respective governments to promote this trade facilitation agenda.
Rowden made the comments on Oct. 6, 2009, in opening keynote comments at the 2009 World Customs Forum in Seattle. The 2009 World Customs Forum focused on multilateral efforts toensure a future for trade facilitation for low-risk importers andexporters. It was planned by the Trusted Trade Alliance LLC, a tradeconsulting company based in Vancouver, WA. Acenterpiece of the conference is the need for wider use of WorldCustoms Organization standards within the international supply chain. AAEIspeaks to international trade, supply chain and customs and borderprotection issues covering the expanse of legal, technical andpolicy-driven concerns, the organization said.
Also read from MBT, Trade talks: National Association of Manufacturers still steamed about foreign tariffs .
– Edited by Mark T. Hoske, electronic products editor, Manufacturing Business Technology MBT www.mbtmag.com
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