IIoT-based industrial protocol upgrade to support process, factory automation industries

FDT Group and ODVA are partnering together for FDT’s 3.0 architecture solution by incorporating FDT IIoT Server (FITS), to the common industrial protocol (CIP).

By FDT Group May 30, 2020

FDT Group announced its continued partnership with ODVA to add support for FDT’s 3.0 architecture solution, by incorporating FDT IIoT Server (FITS), to the common industrial protocol (CIP). CIP-based networks such as EtherNet/IP lead network communications for the process and factory automation sectors, who will directly benefit from the emerging communication annex supporting the FITS platform.

FDT and ODVA share a common core mission that includes advancing open, interoperable information and communication exchange for the industrial automation marketplace. The industry associations have cooperated on the ability to integrate devices implementing ODVA technologies (EtherNet/IP, DeviceNet, ControlNet and CompoNet) and standards into the FDT ecosystem for more than 15 years.

The release of the FDT 3.0 standard is imminent, and once released, will execute FDT Group’s digital transformation pathway to connect and empower the intelligent enterprise supporting Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industry 4.0 applications. Based on industry-driven feedback, the FITS platform supports skid-to-cloud deployment, a robust security architecture, remote access and mobility, information technology/operations technology (IT/OT) integration and compatibility.

In addition to the CIP annex, HART and Profibus annexes supporting the FITS architecture are under development with expected released dates in 2020.

– Edited from an FDT Group press release by CFE Media.