Increasing efficiency and mobility in CNC/DNC Communication by using wireless technology by Moxa

In this the age of the laptop computer, wireless LAN technology is just what the doctorordered. Install one or two Access Points in your home, spend a minute or two toconfigure a few parameters, and you’re ready to go. The main benefit for most people ismobility.

By Control Engineering Staff February 1, 2006

In this the age of the laptop computer, wireless LAN technology is just what the doctor ordered. Install one or two Access Points in your home, spend a minute or two to configure a few parameters, and you’re ready to go. The main benefit for most people is mobility. If using your computer means accessing the Internet, then you can work in the living room, bedroom, den, or even on the back porch, without needing to unplug your computer from the network wall socket each time you migrate from one location to another.

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