Integrated batch process development

By Control Engineering Staff March 7, 2001

Calgary, Alberta, Canada -BDK 2000, said to reduce batch process model development by as much as 80%, provides productivity improvement. Users can customize the product to meet specific needs and incorporate user developed models. Users are able to quickly review chemistry and recipe alternatives during process development and viability analysis. Improved process documentation is achieved through information sharing and technology transfer capabilities. Hyprotech

Added information Rapid development of new products and a reduction of costs and time-to-market are essential for success in the specialty, fine chemical and pharmaceutical industries. BDK is a lifecycle solution designed to support the work process of the batch industries and help them achieve these goals. Rohm and Haas, one of the world’s largest specialty chemical companies, uses BDK in their process development and have found that it has helped them to increase productivity, improve process robustness and enhance decision-making, resulting in shortened development cycles, accelerated time-to-market and reduced development and manufacturing costs. Using BDK’s central repository capability, teams from R&D through to engineering and production can effectively access this information, Hyprotech says; the overall effect is up to an 80% reduction in development and modeling time and costs where BDK was used.

At a glance…

Lifecycle solution for batch processing

Software uses layered simulation, knowledge management

Helps significantly cut development and modeling time when used project-wide