Interbus receives new standard

Long standardized according to DIN 19258, Interbus was recently approved as a international industrial standard by Cenelec (Comite European de Normalisation Electronique). The new standard will be known as DIN EN 50254. It is identical to DIN 19258, and will replace it when the new standard is published.

By Staff May 1, 1998

Long standardized according to DIN 19258, Interbus was recently approved as a international industrial standard by Cenelec (Comite European de Normalisation Electronique). The new standard will be known as DIN EN 50254. It is identical to DIN 19258, and will replace it when the new standard is published.

After it’s formally ratified by Cenelec’s BT (Bureau Technique), all affiliated countries will be required to integrate the new standard into their national standards and delete any conflicting standards, according to the Interbus Club. This process will solidify Interbus’ role as an international automation technology and add an extra level of security to its user base, which now contains more than 2.5 million installed nodes, says the club.

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