Laser distance sensor with flush mount
Banner Engineering has added flush mount housings to its Q4X laser distance measurement sensors, which are designed for detection and measurement applications.
Banner Engineering has added flush mount housings to its Q4X laser distance measurement sensors, which is designed to offer compact housing to expand applications and increase mounting flexibility in constrained spaces. They are designed for detection and measurement applications. It utilizes a CMOS imager for reliable measurements with reflective and multi-color surfaces, or light-absorbing materials and low contrasts, such as black foams or rubber combined with black plastics or metals. With dual teach mode, the Q4X uses a combination of intensity and distance, making it ideal for error-proofing applications and reliable detection of challenging targets, such as packaging and transparent object detection without a retroreflector. Banner Q4X laser distance sensors are available with discrete, analog (0 to 10 V or 4 to 20 mA), and IO-Link output options. The robust Q4X housing is rated to IP69K with FDA-grade stainless steel, and its rugged design resists mechanical impact, over tightening and extreme vibration.
Banner Engineering
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– Edited by CFE Media. See more Control Engineering discrete sensor and vision products.
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