LED light designed for industrial enclosures

Rittal Corporation's LED System Light is an UL-approved lighting system designed for industrial enclosures.

By Rittal Corporation June 26, 2017

The LED System Light from Rittal Corporation is a UL-approved lighting system designed for industrial enclosures. The LED technology, with UL E76083 certification, shines into every corner of an industrial enclosure. Light is dispersed through a special optical cover with Fresnel structure in two designs for precise lighting. The Fresnel lens uses a prism-like pattern to provide magnified light coverage. The cover rotates easily, for adaptive light distribution. The light provides excellent illumination from 900 to 1,200 lumens. Lights with motion detectors are equipped with a rotating LED board as standard, allowing the direction of the light to be perfectly adapted to any installation situation.

Rittal Corporation


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