LXI Consortium releases Revision 1.3 of LXI Standard
LXI Consortium (LAN eXtensions for Instrumentation) approved and released Revision 1.3 of the LXI Standard, so users can have advanced features without having to pay for features they don't require.
Niwot, CO – LXI Consortium (LAN eXtensions for Instrumentation) approved and released Revision 1.3 of the LXI Standard, which allows a manufacturer of Class C compliant instruments to customize offerings by adding selected features from Class B or Class A categories. Users benefit from an expanding selection of products with advanced features without having to pay for features they don’t require.
Learn more at www.lxistandard.org . See related reading and resources below.
LXI Standard defines three classes of instruments with various degrees of functionality. LXI Class C provides key features of an LXI-compliant instrument, which are LAN and web server functionality. Class B and Class A provide progressively expanded functionality, specifically in timing and triggering.The Class B and Class A features now included in Class C devices include Trigger Bus, Event Messaging, Time Stamped Data, Event Logs, and IEEE 1588 Synchronization.In addition to approving Revision 1.3 of the LXI Standard at the most recent PlugFest held last month in Munich, instruments from LeCroy, Thurlby Thandar Instruments and Rohde & Schwarz were tested and certified as LXI compliant. These include LeCroy’s WavePro 760 Zi Oscilloscope; Thurlby Thandar’s Power Supplies TTI PL155-P, PL601-P, PL303-P, and PL303QMD-P; and Rohde & Schwarz’s UPV Audio Analyzer and UPV66 Audio Analyzer, plus the company’s Signal Analyzer FSV3, FSV7, FSV13, and FSV30. All are Class C devices. LXI specifications may be reviewed on the Website.Related reading:
Plug and play: PICMG COM Express group; LXI plugfest; new 6U cPCI line
IEEE 1588: Development kit for multi-controller synchronization
ABCs of SBCs: Single board computers for embedded control
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