Miniature photoelectric sensor comes in 11 models

By Control Engineering Staff January 26, 2006
ASI mini photoelectric sensors include this Beam Oval Back Sensor.

Automation Systems Interconnect (ASI) offers new mini photoelectric sensors available in 11 models.

Types include diffuse reflective, focalized, polarized retro-reflective, retro-reflective for transparent, and through-beam. Sensing distance ranges from 0.2 cm to 6 m, depending on model. The mini sensors are designed to accept cables using M8 connectors.

To find other photoelectric technologies and manufacturers, go to the Control Engineering buyer’s guide . For help integrating sensor technologies, find the right specialist at the Control Engineering Automation Integrator Guide , featuring multi-parameter search capabilities.

— Edited by Mark T. Hoske, editor-in-chief, Control Engineering,