Mobile communication modules for 3G, 4G, 4G LTE
The SEA 9751/9754 mobile communication modules by S.E.A. Datentechnik enable users monitoring and developing measurement systems to remotely access their application and have 3G and 4G speed, respectively.
S.E.A. Datentechnik’s SEA 9751 and SEA 9754 mobile communication modules are designed specifically for the NI CompactRIO platform equipped with the Zynq-based NI cRIO-9068 controller. The modules enable users developing monitoring and measurement systems based on CompactRIO to access the entire application remotely. Data exchange and updates of the complete LabVIEW application software can now comfortably be done from anywhere at high speed using minimal energy. Integration and configuration efforts of the module have been minimized thanks to the SEA units that link seamlessly into the NI Linux-based cRIO-9068 controller.
While the SEA 9751 module allows for high-speed data transfer with 3G technology of up to 14 Mbit/s (via HSPA+), the SEA 9754 supports transfer rates based on the 4G standard. With the built-in 4G/LTE chipsets, peak data rates can reach up to 100 Mbit/s.
Both modules come with an embedded GPS receiver to provide detailed geotag information, as well as time stamp data accurate to microseconds, making them particularly well-suited for use in mobile applications or solutions with high-precision timing requirements. Additionally, the units provide a pulse per second (PPS) signal via the backplane or a dedicated front panel connector allowing users to achieve precision timekeeping and time measurement. The built-in backup battery enables the GPS receiver to perform a cold start to be live within a few seconds and, as a result, allows for an almost immediate GPS fix.
They are designed to integrate seamlessly into the Linux-based real-time operating system (RTOS) of the cRIO-9068. Another benefit of this is that it makes configuration of the communication parameters and module setup much easier. No additional software for installation and configuration is required as the SEA 9751/9754 units can be configured via a web browser and integrate directly into NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).
The SEA 9751/9754 modules not only maintain wireless connection speeds up to fifteen times faster than previous models, with 480 Mbit/s they also allow for nearly five times higher data rates for communication with the CompactRIO platform via the USB uplink port.
The modules are available with an optional mass memory to provide additional storage space of 32 GB for the logging of measurement data. Additionally, there is a spare USB port on the front available for further USB connectivity.
S.E.A. Datentechnik
Lösungen für Messsysteme und Prüfstände – SEA Datentechnik
– See more Control Engineering I/O module and wireless products.
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