MonitorMice for touchscreens
Fremont, Calif. —MonitorMice for NT takes advantage of the multiprocessing capabilities of Microsoft Windows NT so that a network of up to 32 touchmonitors can be run from a single PC. Previously, each touchscreen needed its own PC to operate while only one monitor could be used to view output from an NT application.
Fremont, Calif. —MonitorMice for NT takes advantage of the multiprocessing capabilities of Microsoft Windows NT so that a network of up to 32 touchmonitors can be run from a single PC. Previously, each touchscreen needed its own PC to operate while only one monitor could be used to view output from an NT application. In multiuser mode, simultaneous touches on multiple monitors are recognized and processed without delay, giving each user the feeling of using a dedicated PC. A single PC, MonitorMice, and several Elo touchmonitors could be used in manufacturing. Elo TouchSystems Inc.
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