Motor sizing: Microsoft Vista issues resolved for VisuaSizer database

Copperhill Technologies introduced a new version of its VisualSizer-Professional, said to be a generic (manufacturer independent) servo motor sizing and selection software for motion-control engineers with more than 6,000 motor / drive / amplifier combinations.

By Control Engineering Staff December 17, 2008

Greenfield, MA — Copperhill Technologies introduced a new version of its VisualSizer-Professional, said to be a generic (manufacturer independent) servo motor sizing and selection software for motion-control engineers. It includes databases containing 6000+ motor/drive/amplifier combinations of various motor manufacturers. In addition it provides a database editing tool to add, delete and modify motor data.“Some users had trouble installing VisualSizer under Microsoft Windows Vista,” says Wilfred Voss of Copperhill Media Corporation . “The new version will hopefully take care of this issue.” Windows Vista users who have had trouble installing can now download the newest version .“If you have already installed VisualSizer successfully, you do NOT need to upgrade,” Voss points out. Your version is up-to-date, he says.“The next step,” Voss continues, “will be to incorporate an extended motor database from Baldor .” Watch for future announcements.For control engineers interested in the engineering behind the software, Voss says he has documented the mathematics and algorithms used in VisualSizer in his book, A Comprehensible Guide to Servo Motor Sizing , which is available as an eBook (PDF) or paperback through the Copperhill Media Website, or through . — C.G. Masi , senior editor Control Engineering News Desk Register here and scroll down to select your choice of eNewsletters free.