MR-J3 Series ac-servo systems eliminate vibrations

Mitsubishi Electric Automation Inc. MR-J3 Series Servos are available in a variety of interface methods and can be used in position, speed, or torque control for both rotary and linear servo motors. The industry’s first “Advanced Vibration Suppression Control” function eliminates vibrations created by the mechanical system.

By Staff April 1, 2007

Mitsubishi Electric Automation Inc.

MR-J3 Series Servos are available in a variety of interface methods and can be used in position, speed, or torque control for both rotary and linear servo motors. The industry’s first “Advanced Vibration Suppression Control” function eliminates vibrations created by the mechanical system. Machine resonance suppression filters automatically eliminate vibrations caused by mechanical resonance frequencies. “Robust Disturbance Compensation Function” eliminates uneven speeds between synchronized axes resulting from mechanical disturbance. A high-resolution encoder feedback capability is standard.