National Manufacturing Week 2005 seeks speakers
Organizers of National Manufacturing Week (NMW) 2005 are seeking speakers for the event's conference program, which will be held in conjunction with NMW on March 7-10 at Chicago's McCormick Place. Ideal candidates are discrete and process manufacturers, as well as other end-user organizations, with recent, successful experiences implementing innovative business strategies and ...
Organizers of National Manufacturing Week (NMW) 2005 are seeking speakers for the event’s conference program, which will be held in conjunction with NMW on March 7-10 at Chicago’s McCormick Place. Ideal candidates are discrete and process manufacturers, as well as other end-user organizations, with recent, successful experiences implementing innovative business strategies and technologies.
Requests to speak should be designed to complement topics relating to the manufacturing community. Presentations should be non-commercial and focus on practical, application-oriented information. Quality of papers and relevance to current industry issues are among the determining factors for acceptance.
Deadline for submitting proposals is June 27, 2004. To submit a proposal, complete the online form at , or contact Mike Critser via e-mail at or by phone at (203) 840-5597.
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