NMW 2002: MTS unveils trio of sensors

Chicago, Ill. - MTS Sensors exhibited a trio of new sensor products at National Manufacturing Week.

By Control Engineering Staff March 26, 2002

Chicago, Ill. – MTS Sensors exhibited a trio of new sensor products at National Manufacturing Week.

ServoSensor ASCII protocol

S Series ServoSensor product with ASCII communications protocol and enhanced Windows interface software features an embedded high-speed loop position controller in the same standard sensor envelope eliminating the need for servoamplifiers and PLC setups.

ServoSensors store closed-loop gains and operational parameters and offer control engineers an enhanced interface to Allen-Bradley ControlLogix or Automation Direct 205 PLC platforms using RS View or Visual Basic programming. In addition, the new ASCII ServoSensor is approved for use with the Allen-Bradley MVI (Multi-Vendor Interface) card. With the AB MVI, no external RS-485 converter is required since there are two RS-485 COM ports capable of 115 kBd each.

The ServoSensor allows for multiple axis control of up to 26 axes per communication port. Built in functionality can now be accessed directly using predetermined PLC code. These capabilities include status monitoring, controller tuning and a highly flexible command code including target, velocity and jog functions.

The Temposonics Model SH rod style sensors are designed for internal mounting in applications where high-pressure conditions exist (5,000 psi continuous/ 10,000 psi spike) such as hydraulic cylinders. Mounted externally, the Model SH sensors offer users the ability to replace the electronic head and sensor cartridge in the field quickly and easily.

The Temposonics Model SP profile style sensors offer two different magnet-mounting configurations: captive sliding magnet or floating magnet. SP Series sensors are designed for space-restrictive applications and environments where there are high levels of dust and contamination. In addition, SP sensors can be externally mounted on machines and configured with a variety of connector options.

Velocity output option for Temposonics Profibus DP position sensor

Temposonics R Series Profibus DP sensors now include a simultaneous position and velocity sensing capability. The Profibus DP interface enables simplified sensor installation and servicing, enhanced diagnostic capabilities, and field-proven transmissions all over a high-speed serial data link. These combined capabilities enable system integrators to utilize fieldbus-based feedback for high performance distributed, servocontrol applications.

The new Profibus DP sensors feature position resolutions down to 0.0002 inches (5 microns) and velocity resolutions down to 0.04 inches/second (1 mm/second). New features to the Profibus DP sensor product line include stroke ranges up to 33 feet (10 meter) standard, with longer custom strokes available.

The R Series Profibus DP interface sensor is capable of operating up to 32 units per line segment. It is also capable of sensing up to 15 magnet positions simultaneously. The new design allows for a minimum spacing between position magnets of three inches versus four inches in previous designs.

Temposonics AQB sensor provides absolute and incremental position

Temposonics R Series AQB quadrature interface position sensor features an incremental output from an inherently absolute position sensor. While continually updating incremental position information, the AQB interface sensor generates an absolute position output either upon power-up or after receiving an input signal from the controller interface. In addition, it is possible to program important sensor parameters such as resolution and pulse frequency from the field.

Unlike typical encoder outputs, the AQB interface provides regularly updated position information at the user specified pulse frequency, providing a more accessible and accurate output even at the slowest speeds. The resolution of the CE-Certified AQB sensor can be varied from 50 to 12,500 counts/inch and the pulse frequency from 8 kHz to 1 MHz. For the highest resolution setting (0.00008 inches/count), position update times are less than 1.5 msec for stroke lengths up to 100 inches. Field programmability gives the sensor a wide range of applicability for a given stroke range. Additionally, the AQB interface provides each quadrature output with its opposite polarity format, reducing susceptibility to external electrical noise.

The AQB sensor is available in three different application housings: RH, RP and RF.

Control Engineering Daily News Desk
Gary A. Mintchell, senior editor