Podcast: Honeywell’s Norman Gilsdorf on process industries

After six months on the job, Honeywell Process Solutions’ president looks at the process automation landscape.

By Control Engineering Staff July 9, 2009

It was only last January when Norman Gilsdorf succeeded Jack Bolick as president of Honeywell Process Solutions . At his first Honeywell User Group (HUG) as president, Gilsdorf talks to Control Engineering editor Peter Welander for a few minutes about current process industry issues, including:

His background with HPS and UOP;

The changing nature of industrial user group audiences;

How the recession is changing the nature of plant integration projects;

Designing processes and control systems for growing variability;

Desirable process control system lifespan; and

Growing opportunities in China.

The picture of where users and suppliers is headed is certainly changing, and Gilsdorf is trying to lead Honeywell in directions that will resonate with customers. His opening discussion at HUG included six specific areas where he expects to see substantial change in the industry over the next few years.

Listen to the podcast.

–Peter Welander, process industries editor Control Engineering News Desk