Project: Baton Rouge Wastewater Pump Station SCADA System (October 9th)
Gaining access to the remote server location proved easier than expected. First, my name was placed on a list by a responsible person with QDS. Then, I had to go to the site and fill out some paperwork. From there, I had to have my hand scanned. Then, I was issued a card. The card initiates a hand scanner. When the scanner reads my hand correctly, access is gained for two seconds. You then find yourself in a man trap. You have to repeat the process to get out of the trap and into the center.
All of that is to say that when I gained access, and installed the alarm notification hardware and software, it did not work. I lost my basic connectivity to the server and could no longer communicate. I removed the newly installed equipment and returned it to the shop. When I installed it there, it worked without problem. I learned from this that it is always better to thoroughly test the equipment at the shop before installing it in the field. I will try to reinstall it at the server location again this week.
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