Regional interest agreement signed for technology group

PI North America has signed a contract with the IO-Link Community to become a Regional IO-Link Interest Group (RIOLIG) for North America.

By PI North America July 13, 2021

PI North America, the non-profit member-supported trade association for promoting industrial networking technologies in North America, has signed a contract with the IO-Link Community, on behalf of the Profibus Nutzerorganisation (PNO) to become a Regional IO-Link Interest Group (RIOLIG) for North America.

The cooperation encompasses promoting the IO-Link technology, offering IO-Link member registration services, organizing seminars and workshops, technical training, and trade fairs, and managing the related product test and certification services and other technical support for North America enterprises and users. The IO-Link Community is committed to supporting RIOLIG North America in its IO-Link related activities by providing technical expertise, marketing materials, and expert presentations for events. IO-Link is an international standard for industrial communication at the device level. It was developed in cooperation with a wide range of automation technology manufacturers.

“Since the start of the year, there has been a strong uptick in interest in IO-Link here in North America. Also, existing PI North America members are showing increased interest. Due to these circumstances, we decided to host an IO-Link webinar during the month of May. It was a great success. Together with the launch of the website, we are building the foundation for a strong RIOLIG here in North America.” said Michael Bowne, executive director, PI North America, in a press release

– Edited from a PI North America press release by CFE Media.