Remote tank monitoring hatch sensor

SignalFire's Hatch Watchdog monitors the status of tank hatches to mitigate environmental and safety risks.

By SignalFire June 30, 2017

SignalFire’s Hatch Watchdog, a wireless thief hatch sensor that monitors the status of tank hatches to mitigate environmental and safety risks associated with accidental emissions. When tank hatches—known as thief hatches—remain ajar, they can release vapors into the atmosphere. Stringent regulations in controlling emissions can result in fines due to leaking tank hatches. Protecting the environment is also a priority for companies with green initiatives. The sensor tracks the angle of the tank hatch and wirelessly reports status (open/closed/cracked) and changes to a central gateway that formats and transmits the data to a control center for remote monitoring. Modbus or digital alarming is available at the gateway. The Hatch Watchdog also operates as a standard wireless node in any SignalFire remote monitoring and control network.


SignalFire Wireless Telemetry – SignalFire Wireless Telemetry

– Edited by CFE Media. See more Control Engineering process sensor and actuator products.