Securing software

Chicago, Ill.—Software security is based on how applications and operating systems are constructed, but security also involves plant procedures, building security, and employee education, among other things, according to key software vendors at National Manufacturing Week, March 3-5, here. Proper software security measures are "very scarcely implemented," according to Dirk Rouffaer, Schne...

By Mark T. Hoske, editor-in-chief, November 2, 2018

Chicago, Ill. —Software security is based on how applications and operating systems are constructed, but security also involves plant procedures, building security, and employee education, among other things, according to key software vendors at National Manufacturing Week, March 3-5, here. Proper software security measures are “very scarcely implemented,” according to Dirk Rouffaer, Schneider Electric Automation. Mr. Rouffaer, giving a security presentation in the Schneider Electric booth, said software security issues extend beyond actual code to local security, procedures, bugs, tampering, and hidden mistakes. Advice includes:

Strong access control over local controllers;

Encryption for all important data leaving the building;

Activity logging for employees;

Reverse trace routing that tracks where employees are logged on;

Automated backups, and;


For more advice, images, and useful links on the topic—including information from AlterSys, Entivity, Iconics, Intellution, Microsoft, Wonderware, and others—see “Secure your Software,” under April “Web Exclusives” at