Sequencia launches new OpenBatch version

To increase interoperability with other platforms and lower engineering costs, Sequencia Corp. on May 24 released its new OpenBatch 4.0 automation software. This latest version is also designed to leverage new Microsoft technologies and provide built-in support for NAMUR NE33 standards, which are a precursor to international ISA S88 standard and provide a set of Germa...

By Staff June 1, 1999

To increase interoperability with other platforms and lower engineering costs, Sequencia Corp. on May 24 released its new OpenBatch 4.0 automation software. This latest version is also designed to leverage new Microsoft technologies and provide built-in support for NAMUR NE33 standards, which are a precursor to international ISA S88 standard and provide a set of German-based guidelines for batch automation. OpenBatch 4.0’s support for OLE for Process Control (OPC) communication protocol allows it to share information with other OPC-compliant devices, which can increase reliability and tag count and improve performance. The new software’s ActiveX controls extends OpenBatch 4.0’s ability to deliver a component-based thin client and permits customized interfaces between human-machine interfaces and batch servers. This means OpenBatch 4.0 can display its batch control and recipe logic inside other systems. Meanwhile, its cross invocation configuration allows other tools to be built and integrated back into OpenBatch 4.0, which can decrease engineering time and simplifying operating procedures. The software’s Fahrweisen phase-control capability support NAMUR guidelines permitting creation of one section of controller code to support multiple functions. Phase control strategies simplify recipe creation and make equipment programming more intuitive by allowing the user to define more than one mode of operation for a single phase, or step, in a recipe.

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