Simulation software: Two petrochem producers implement simulator training for operators

By Control Engineering Staff July 6, 2007

Two large scale refinery / petrochem processors have selected SimSci-Esscor operating training simulator (OTS) for training their operators. Sinclair Oil Corp . will use the platform in its Rawlins, WY refinery, and BASF FINA Petrochemicals LP at its olefins plant in Port Arthur, TX.

Sinclair will use the system to train operators on all aspects of plant operation and control, as well as start-up, shutdown, and emergency situation management. This training is particularly critical as Sinclair gains experience with its newly constructed delayed coker unit.

“Sinclair Wyoming Refinery selected Invensys’ OTS solution based on its ability to integrate easily and be compatible with our existing control system,” says Ed Juno, Sinclair operations manager. The facility currently employs a Foxboro I/A DCS, and the new training system will include a FSIM Plus system that simulates the DCS. The operation and control simulation is integrated by the SimSci-Esscor SIM4ME common user environments. Invensys will provide a range of professional services in connection with the implementation.

BASF FINA will use the DYNSIM process modeling software in combination with FSIM Plus to model both the process and its Foxboro I/A DCS. There is even a TRISIM Plus simulation of the Triconix safety integrated system.

“We selected Invensys based on it superior integrated graphical modeling environment and compatibility with our existing control systems,” says Mike McAtee, BASF FINA general manager.

—Edited by Peter Welander, process industries editor, , Control Engineering Weekly News