Tip-over and acceleration sensors for automotive, industrial applications

Memsic's MXD6240, 41AU, MXC6244AU, and MXC6245XU sensors provide tip-over and acceleration sensing in automotive, industrial, and consumer applications.

By Memsic July 1, 2016

Memsic’s MXD6240, 41AU, MXC6244AU, and MXC6245XU sensors provide tip-over and acceleration sensing in a wide range of automotive, industrial and consumer applications. These sensors may be used in motorcycle and off-road vehicle tip-over detection, vehicle navigation and Digital SLR camera horizontal position detection. The 624x family uses proprietary thermal accelerometer technology that utilizes heated gas molecules to sense acceleration, the transducer exhibits a natural low-pass frequency response with no mechanical resonance and high accuracy over a range of temperatures. This makes the devices suited to harsh or high vibration environments. The MXD6240/41 replace mechanical pendulum solutions in motorcycles and off-road vehicles. The MXC6244AU can be used in engine control units allowing for the elimination of a separate tip-over module, while MXC6245XU may be used for applications not requiring the enhanced vibration rejection or programmable angle thresholds.



– Edited by CFE Media. See more Control Engineering process sensor and actuator products.