Vision software supports color

Sherlock 7 next-generation machine vision software from ipd, a group of Dalsa Digital Imaging, offers enhanced tools and flexibility to address automated inspection needs. New version adds support for color image processing, including a suite of color tools and methods for a wide range of applications.

By Staff August 1, 2006

Sherlock 7 next-generation machine vision software from ipd, a group of Dalsa Digital Imaging, offers enhanced tools and flexibility to address automated inspection needs. New version adds support for color image processing, including a suite of color tools and methods for a wide range of applications. A design environment with Microsoft Windows-like editing capabilities such as drag-and-drop and copy-and-paste speed application development. Tool tips, status bars, context menus, and performance monitors are provided, as are breakpoints and single-step debugging capabilities for monitoring and timing every inspection aspect.

Image window displays images during setup and live images at runtime; images may be acquired from cameras, files, or sequence of files. A program instruction toolbar provides quick access to commonly used instructions, and associated program window displays sequence of instructions or actions that constitute an inspection. Program snippets can be copied and pasted back into a program or subroutine. Viewing windows provide immediate status of program events.

Toolset—including a suite of processors and positioning, measuring, analysis, color, and identification tools—can be applied to a variety of applications. JavaScript-based scripting tool with drag-and-drop editing can be used to develop custom formulas or inline and background operations within an application. Custom algorithms for special processing requirements are supported and can be plugged into the design environment.

Sherlock 7 is compatible with the ipd’s family of Vision Appliances and NetSight II line of Compact Vision Systems. It also interfaces with several Dalsa digital imaging frame grabbers or third-party IEEE 1394 compatible cameras. Communications include TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, Modbus, and OPC. ipd, a group of Dalsa Digital Imaging

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