Alex Marcy


Industrial Networking July 7, 2016

Control and automation systems for facilities

In smaller facilities up to a handful of people might be in charge of the process control system. Larger companies may be made up of multiple facilities, requiring specific system integration needs for optimal business operation.

By Alex Marcy
Process Safety June 30, 2016

Updating process control systems

When legacy control systems are replaced with new technology there is a great opportunity to benefit from modern systems and advanced technology.

By Alex Marcy
Energy Efficiency June 28, 2016

Energy saving control projects

Energy usage is a major factor associated with manufacturing facilities. Tracking energy usage at the plant, production line, and equipment level can help monitor and reduce energy usage, saving valuable resources.

By Alex Marcy
Industrial Networking April 28, 2016

Process historians can be an integral part of the IIoT

Process historians are still cutting-edge tools even though they have been around for many years. They can form the foundation of distributed, cloud-based enterprises and can integrate with the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).

By Alex Marcy
Wireless March 31, 2016

Industrial networking technologies add value to existing infrastructure

Today’s Web-enabled, data-centric world is full of new technology that can be used to connect things in new ways and share information across previously uncrossable boundaries.

By Alex Marcy