

Info Management June 27, 2017

Control panels designed for hazardous areas

Beckhoff's CPX control panel and Panel PC series are designed to enable applications in hazardous zones.

By Beckhoff
Ethernet July 29, 2016

EtherCAT IO solution for reducing wiring requirements

Beckhoff's EtherCAT P solution has communication and power supply in a 4-wire Ethernet cable that enables direct power supply for both EtherCAT P slaves and the connected sensors and actuators.

By Beckhoff
Industrial Networking December 9, 2015

HMI system provides individualized user interfaces

Beckhoff's TwinCAT human-machine interface (HMI) system is designed to provide individualized user interfaces and leverages IT standards such as Microsoft Visual Studio, HTML5, Websockets and HTTPS for secure communication.

By Beckhoff
Ethernet September 29, 2015

Multi-axis servo system for cabinets, switchgear enclosures

Beckhoff's AX8000 servo drive system is designed to meet high control speed and accuracy requirements while reducing in installation space for control cabinets and switchgear enclosures.

By Beckhoff