Bruce Slade


Educational Facilities July 31, 2019

Choosing and managing an engineering career: 7 things to know

A well-managed engineering career means a lifetime career outside the rut. Apply these seven tips to manage a successful engineering career.

By Bruce Slade
Workforce Development December 24, 2014

7 things control engineers should know about management

How to communicate effectively with management and accelerate your career: Engineers should know these 7 things about management today. Don’t wait for others to delegate the needed resources or complain that they haven’t. Leadership can be innate, earned, learned, or situational, but knowing these strategies and tactics and reviewing these examples can help you succeed. (See also: 7 things noncontrol people should know about control engineers.) Send a link to others, so they understand.

By Bruce Slade
PLM, Control Design May 5, 2014

7 things noncontrol people should know about control engineers

A few basic differences between control engineers and others in the plant can hinder progress toward optimization. Start a conversation to improve communications and controls. See examples and career advice. Send a link to these seven things other people should know about control engineers, so they understand.

By Bruce Slade