CAN in Automation
Profile specification series receives version update
CAN in Automation (CiA) association has released version 2.0.0 of the CiA 461 profile specification series, which comprises four parts specifying the CANopen interfaces of weighing devices.
Data link layer protocol examined
CAN in Automation (CiA) members have developed the CAN XL data link layer specification, which provides the functional and procedural means to transfer frames between nodes and to detect errors that occur in the physical layer.
CANopen encoder and inclinometer profiles
CAN in Automation (CiA) has released the CiA 406-J and CiA 410-J specifications, which describe the adaptation of the CANopen encoder and inclinometer profiles for J1939-based networks.
Specification for networks, IO-Link released
CAN in Automation (CiA) has released the CiA 463 series standardizing the gateway between CANopen responsible for CANopen FD networks and input/output (I/O)-Link.
Automation group re-elects leaders
CAN in Automation re-elected the three members of their board: Uwe Koppe, Christian Schlegel, and Holger Zeltwanger.
Automation standard seminar for newcomers and experts
CAN in Automation (CiA) is hosting a pair of seminars in March 2019 to explain CANopen benefits for beginners and experienced users.
Special interest group for internet protocol launched
CAN in Automation's (CiA) international users’ and manufacturers’ group has established the CAN XL Special Interest Group (SIG) for their next-generation protocol, which is designed for TCP/IP communication and radar sensors.
Automation group selects board of directors, celebrates 25th anniversary
Can in Automation (CiA) elected their board of directors at their annual general assembly and celebrated the group's 25th anniversary.
Robustness and reliability in CAN-based networks
When CAN-based networks were first used in industrial automation, the robustness and the reliability were key issues.
Optimizing communications for embedded machine control systems
Opposite to factory automation, embedded machine control systems need to be optimized to design better products than those of competitors. This requires configuring the communication, in particular the scheduling and content of control and status messages. The process data object (PDO) protocol transmits, in real-time, control and status information as well as measured values.