Corey Stefanczak


Virtualization, Cloud Analytics January 6, 2016

IT helps in the evolution of controls

Over the past decade there has been a paradigm shift in the structure of how companies organize information technology (IT) and controls sectors, with the former having increasing influence in some areas traditionally run by the latter. As IT and operational technology (OT) data converge, so do the physical departments, and this has some major implications for the controls department.

By Corey Stefanczak
PLM, Control Design November 26, 2014

Highly mature enterprise: Meet the challenges of enterprise information systems

Part 5 of 5: Standard metrics and actionable rules help organizations move from Level 3 to Level 4 in the enterprise information system maturity model, where automated decision making creates a highly evolved and mature enterprise. See also 3 keys to automated success.

By Corey Stefanczak
PLM, Control Design November 14, 2014

Optimizing the climb up the enterprise information systems maturity model

Part 4 of 5: Level 3 isn’t the highest step in the maturity model; as the primary goal for most organizations, it enables a business to more efficiently understand and use its resources. Objective information (centralized for access in the previous maturity level) helps with business decisions. In the November issue, this appears as a Technology Update.

By Corey Stefanczak
PLM, Control Design November 14, 2014

Gain a competitive advantage, meet the challenges of enterprise information systems

Part 3 of 5: A central data repository is difficult to achieve because it is technically challenging and penetrates various aspects of a business. Implementation requires coordinating many parties and often introduces new technologies to the business. Advice below helps. See 3 attributes of a technical advocate.

By Corey Stefanczak
Workforce Development September 9, 2014

Migrating toward enterprise information systems

Part 2 of 5: Maturity model advice helps organizations move from Level 0, paper-based systems and homegrown systems, to Level 1, focused data systems. Maturity models applied to processes and software help increase decision efficiency, because greater decision efficiency = lower costs = higher profits. See also Part 1 on how to understand the maturity model to better manage, integrate plant floor, enterprise systems.

By Corey Stefanczak
Project Management August 21, 2013

Custom automation vs. commercial-off-the-shelf, or both?

How to automate is as important as when. Custom is not a four-letter word. Weigh the benefits of COTS and a custom solution, rather than restricting an automation project view to a COTS or custom solution. Don’t assume that custom solutions are bad. See graphics that illustrate.

By Corey Stefanczak