David McCarthy
Choosing between centralized and distributed control system designs
Engineers must strike the right balance on the centralized/distributed control system design spectrum.
Certifications: A system integrator’s journey
When choosing a system integrator, how much importance should you place on certifications? Both individuals and the corporation can earn them, but how much do they matter?
True cost of systems integration: Consider lifecycle costs, benefits
Systems integration may be considered as one of the last items in the project, treated as a commodity, like some equipment. True cost of systems integration can be more complicated. Understand and measure these costs to keep the budget balanced over time. See supporting Control Engineering system integration research.
Industrial Ethernet alternatives
When choosing between an industrial network or other option, such as industrial Ethernet network or industrial wireless, sort out the cost and timing of legacy upgrades.
Automation project road map: Advice for the journey
Project management advice: Thinking of the automation project as a journey helps ensure safe and secure arrival, while keeping project detours and road bumps to a minimum. Planning, schedule, validation, and follow-up are key.
Creating an HMI that doesn’t get used
When that new equipment skid or machine comes in, it probably has its own HMI, but that equipment will be controlled from a larger system. What should you want that redundant HMI to do?
Industrial Ethernet essentials: What you need to know
Ethernet of the industrial kind requires specialty knowledge and practices, unlike Ethernet for home and office. If you are installing or operating an industrial Ethernet network, here are five need-to-know essentials about cabling, signal quality, ground loops, switches, and traffic.
Choosing the right system integrator: Criteria to help
Not all systems integrators for factory automation and process controls devices, systems, and software are created equal, and finding the best fit can be a real challenge.
Control Panel Design: Tips and Tricks
Enclosure ratings, filters, input and output, networking, and safety are among enclosure design considerations.
Nightmare recovery
How to avoid nightmare system integration projects: When an automation project is far astray, there may be a point where you must call in reinforcements to clean up rather than scrap it. Here’s how to recover from that nightmare project and what signs might point to a future nightmare.