Frank J. Bartos, P.E., Control Engineering consulting editor


Manufacturing IT, MES September 1, 2008

New, efficient industrial gas turbines coming

Technology advances in industry often proceed at a slow, conservative pace. This applies more so to large, complex systems like the new-generation stationary gas turbines coming online. These weigh up to 440 metric tons—nearly a million pounds of hardware! But at the heart of the latest combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plants lies innovation, not just gigantic size.

By Frank J. Bartos, P.E., Control Engineering consulting editor
Mechatronics and Motion Control December 1, 2006

Servo System Application Tips

Electric servo systems provide the most advanced and precise motion control available for increasingly versatile industrial applications. Servos excel in two distinct working modes: rapid point-to-point load positioning and smooth, accurate trajectory control between points, as in surface contouring.

By Frank J. Bartos, P.E., Control Engineering consulting editor
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